Yet To Register your business/ brand?

Let me show you how you can register your business/brand right from the comfort of your home, in 24 hours all by yourself And Save Money

...without the need of a third party agent or a lawyer.

In a few minutes, I’ll show you how you also can register your business all by yourself.

Registering a business has never been this easy.


Can I be very real with you?

You lie, if you really think you own a business, when it’s yet to be registered

The best it is, is simply a hobby or an idea.
Except if all you’re doing is joking around or doing just a backyard/balcony stuff with no intention of doing excellent numbers.

And according to the constitution,
Legally, your business doesn’t exist… And just before you say, “To hell with with that”

Let me ask you a few questions.

Tell me, how many times has someone reached out to you to make an inquiry as to which account to make payment, and stopped responding as soon as you send a personal account?

Or a prospect had to ask you for a CAC number to check your credibility…And all you could say is, you don’t have it!!!

He appeared to be willing to pay heavily, but just as a caution, he finally asked to be sure you’re legit, but there was nothing to show that your business existed legally

Truth is, you’ll remain small and hinder your growth or potential to do great numbers without being fully registered.

Infact, nobody will be willing to commit his resources to something that can’t be traced or doesn’t exist legally.

And most times, it looks as if I can’t say this enough to business owners/entrepreneurs who are either just starting or been in the game for a while without proper registration.


Utibe Etim

You're actually in danger.

Your years of sweat and efforts can just go down the drain with nothing to show for it like this sad story of Florence

All those years of labour, sleepless nights, sickness, clientele, customer loyalty can just be for nothing in just a twinkling of an eye…

Asides from being in danger of arrest for non compliance, how about being at risk with this same experience like Florence?

Florence, as at the time she narrated her ordeal to me, was in her early 30s.

According to her, she got this amazing idea and unique mechanism of making wonderful female skin care cream which was very effective.

She started with just the intention of making some bucks to finance herself and her education.

But she realized she was really getting sales because it was working and people began to recommend and patronize her.

Along the line, she worked on the packaging and named it “Flora beauty care”. That made it get more traction, and got her to increase her reach.

For the next 18 months, she became a brand many women were going for, she penetrated the market so well, it was her magical skin care cream people wanted.

Then after a while, she began to see a particular cream just like hers with her name on it… “Flora beauty care” with lesser quality, to the extent that people began to complain about the effectiveness of the cream thinking it was hers.

Seeing and hearing this, Florence was furious, so she decided to sue her for it. But to cut the long story short, she lost simply because the other person registered her business. Which means legally she owns it.

And that was how, everything that was booming began to dwindle for Florence,

The name, the loyalty of customers, the integrity, the audience are all gone.

She said, for the next two years she struggled making it again.

Till the time we spoke, she was still struggling. All because she made the error of not registering her brand legally.

All the money invested is gone… Everything she spent the last 4 years of her life gone

It’s a sad ending for Florence. But you can avoid this for yourself.


Registering your brand/business comes with lots of benefits like;

It gives a unique identity

Beyond the idea conceived in your head, It’s now a real thing that legally exists; with its own name and address. Once registered with the name you chose for it, only then are you really free to go ahead and design a logo, create business cards and letterheads, and do anything you want with the name.

Once registered with the name you chose for it, only then are you really free to go ahead and design a logo, create business cards and letterheads, and do anything you want with the name.

It protects you from personal liability

If not for anything, this should be a good reason to get registered

Because, without the legal protection of limited liability, if anything goes south in the business,

Say, you had to borrow to finance the business,but it went straight… Registering your business as a limited liability shields your personal funds and property for been taken

It gives a sense of credibility before prospects and customers

Having credibility can be important in a business setting because it can help establish trust with prospects and customers.

When people believe that you are knowledgeable and reliable, they are more likely to do business with you and to continue to do business with you in the future.

It gives you a leverage for easy access to credits and investment from investors

Funding is critical to any business, and when it becomes necessary to source it externally, especially from banks, your legal business documents facilitate the process. This is because your company is seen as a legal entity and can be tracked and accounted for. This gives credibility, builds trust, and ensures confidence.

You can easily obtain a visa and travel to any country for business purposes with your business been registered.

Obtaining a visa to travel to another country for business purposes can often be easier if you have a registered business, as it may help demonstrate to the visa-issuing authorities that you have a legitimate reason for traveling and that you have a established business in your home country.

Ok… I know you’re already asking how you can get your business registered and enjoy all of this benefits.

You see, I could easily ask you to pay an amount to just get it done for you. Boom

That’s way easier, but no…We need more hands helping entrepreneurs/business owners on how to get registered easily all by themselves and save lot of money.


And for this reason I have decided to put together an intensive live class where I'll be showing you to get it done yourself within 24hours.

Business registration product

Here’s a sneak peek into what you’ll be learning;

Not only that;

I'll also work with you to complete the process in case you encounter problem (so you can be sure of follow up)

You"ll be able to save money, time and energy - instead of paying an agent or lawyer exorbitant fee

I"ll also show you how to access business funds with the business details right from the comfort of their home

I"ll show you how to legally protect and separate yourself from the business

And the beautiful thing is, it just requires a very small fee

Join in Now for just …. only


For optin in right now, you also enjoy amazing bonuses

Mentorship- 30 days mentoring period where I will guide them in case they run into hiccups

Free Business grant Alert- you will added to my special community for business grant and opportunities alert where you will be receiving free funding opportunities to raise funds for your business

Free Facebook ads ebook to run successful Facebook ads

Cover Letter for TIN application

Plus Many other secret bonuses

Note: The bonuses are available today only… once the counter reaches zero, the bonuses are off


I realize this is so affordable, you may wonder what the catch is, especially if you’ve had experiences where you had to still make extra payment to be able to have full access to a particular course.

I understand perfectly, but please bury that thought right now because this isn’t one of such.

But bear this in mind

Time is of the essence here

It’s my desire to reveal this to just about 50 persons, after which I close up access.

Which means, if you don’t get in now, you lose out on this opportunity and may never get any of this any time soon

Plus, waste a lot of resources getting someone to help you do the registration or discard doing it while you put your entire brand at risk

In both case, you lose

I don't want to lose out...Let me in

Here’s what people who have attended my trainings before, have to say

(Insert testimonials)

Money Guarantee

You see, I never planned adding this part, because I consider the amount too ridiculous to be scared of the results you get.

But you see, no.matter how small, you’ve worked hard for your money and everything it is used for has to be worth it.

So you have a refund guarantee.if after the training, you get anything lesser than described or doesn’t fit all that has been said.

Just go ahead and message me, for a complete refund.

Infact, do well to screenshot this area as proof.

Now that your fears have been cleared.


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