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Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme TEEP2 Questions

Business registration

Updated on 2nd January, 2016

Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme TEEP2 starts on 1st January 2016 and ends on 31st March, 2016. Below are TEEP questions for you to prepare and you can download the questions to your computer or your phone.  Check the bottom of this post for the download link.

If you having challenge answering those questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Check the bottom of this post to get my contact.




Top of Form

Welcome to this edition of the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurial Program (TEEP) which is organized and sponsored by The Tony Elumelu Foundation.

Please note that you can save your progress once you have started your application and return at a later time before the closing date of 2016-03-01 to complete it.

Please be informed that you would be required to upload certain documents, in order to make your application progress faster, you can get and/or prepare these documents before you start your application, these documents are;

» Valid Government Recognized Identification

» Official Registration Certificate for your business

» Official Evidence of Ownership of the business

» Official Evidence of Directors in your business

» Official Consent by Partners to apply

All Applications will be reviewed and selected applicants for this edition will be notified accordingly.


Section 1: Personal Information

  1. Surname *
  2. First Name *
  3. Middle Name
  4. Date of Birth *
  5. Nationality *
  6. Official Identification *(Scan and upload identification page showing your picture and data. File must not exceed 100KB and can only be in the following file formats – PNG, JPG & PDF)
  7. Which of these languages are you most fluent? *
  8. What is your native language? *
  9. Gender *
  10. Medical Disability? (Please state any medical conditions or disabilities (N/A if none))

Section 2: Contact Details

  1. Home Address
    Street Address *
  2. Country *
  3. State/Province/Region *
  4. City/Town *
  5. Postal Code
  6. Mobile Number *
  7. Email *
  8. Skype ID


Section 3: Education Details

  1. Highest Level of Education * (Select your highest achieved level of education)
    19. Major/Primary Area of Study * (Add up to three(3) areas)

Section 4: Social Media

  1. Social Media Accounts

Profile ID

Fill in your ID to the selected Social Media Account e.g. TonyElumeluFDN


Section 5: Business Profile

  1. Business/Company Name *
  2. Street Address
  3. Country *
  4. State/Province/Region *
  5. City/Town
  6. Postal Code
  7. Website
  8. About Me * (Tell us about yourself, personal bio and what led you to become an entrepreneur (200 words))
  9. Leadership Skills & Experience * (Describe your leadership skills and experience for running the business (100 words))
  10. Personal Achievement * (Tell us something impressive you have personally built or achieved (100 words)
  11. Elevator Pitch * (In 50 words or less, describe your current business or idea)
  12. Detailed Description * (In more detail, describe your product or service (200 words))
  13. Wow Us * (What is new, interesting or different about your product or service? (list 3 things))
  14. Problem Solved * (What problem does your product or service solve? (50 words))
  15. Development Stage * (Which most accurately describes your product or service development stage?)
  16. Industry Sector * (Select your company’s primary industry sector)
  17. Industry Sub-Sector (Please select an industry sub-sector that is closest)
  18. Sustainable Development Goals * (Of the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which one does your business idea/product/service most closely represent?)



Section 6: Company Structure

  1. Company Registration * (Is your company registered?)


If you select ‘Yes’ that your company is registered with CAC, you will need to upload the following documents. But if you choose ‘No’, you don’t need to worry about those documents

Yes No

  1. Company Documents *

Please upload the following documents:

40.1 Official Registration Certificate * (File must not exceed 100KB. Accepted file formats are DOC, DOCX, PDF, PNG, JPG & JPEG)

40.2 Official Evidence of Ownership * (File must not exceed 150KB. Accepted file formats are DOC, DOCX, PDF, PNG, JPG & JPEG)

40.3 Official Evidence of Directors * (File must not exceed 150KB. Accepted file formats are DOC, DOCX, PDF, PNG, JPG & JPEG)

  1. Business Start Year * (What year did you begin business operations?)
  2. Type of Business Entity (What type of entity is your business?)
  3. Business Partners * (Do you have any business partners?)

Yes No

Please note that if you select ‘Yes’, you will have to upload partnership agreement

  1. Primary Role * (What is your primary role in the business?)
  2. Employees * (How many contractual, part-time, and full-time employees do you have?)

45.1 Contractual

45.2 Part Time

45.3 Full Time


Section 7: Market Potential

  1. Addressable Market * (How big is the addressable market for your product or service? (50 words))
  2. Revenue Model * (How will you get revenue in your business?(50 words))
  3. Marketing Strategy * (Explain how you intend to (or already do) market your products or services to your target market (50 words)?)
  4. Competitors * (Who are your competitors/benchmark organisations? List your top 3.)
  5. Differentiating Factors * (What differentiates you from other existing businesses in your field? (50 words))
  6. Current Milestone * (What is your current milestone for business? (50 words))
  7. Next Milestone * (What is your next milestone for this business and how long will it take you to reach it? (50 words))


Section 8: Financials

  1. Invested Cash * (What is the total amount of cash invested to date in this startup (in USD)?)
  2. Monthly Expenses * (What are your current monthly cash expenses (in USD)?)
  3. Lifetime revenue * (How much revenue has your startup generated since inception (in USD)?)
  4. Break-Even Volume* (What is the projected break-even volume (quantity) for the business? (25 words))
  5. Break-Even Revenue * (What is the projected break-even revenues for the business (in USD)?)


Section 9: Business Impact

  1. Impact * (Describe what impact your business will have within your community, country for job creation, revenue generation or social development? (200 words))
  2. Challenges * (What are the top 3 challenges you face in operating or launching your business? (50 words))
  3. Aims & Objectives * (Explain briefly what you hope to achieve from participating in the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme? (200 words))
  4. Business Skills * (What business skills do you most need to learn about?)


  1. Mentor

If you already have a mentor, and would like to engage them on our programme, please provide their details below for consideration in the programme

62.1 Name

62.2 Occupation

62.3 Address

62.4 Email

62.5 Phone Number


Section 10 Attestation

  1. Information Source * 9How did you hear about the Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme?)
  2. Time Availability * (If accepted into the programme, will you work full time on this business/idea?)

Yes No

Reason *

If you cannot commit to working fulltime on this startup if accepted, please explain why? (50 words)


  1. Previous Accelerator * (Have you taken part in any entrepreneurship programme/ accelerator programme or received any angel investment/grant in the past year?)

Yes No

  1. Referees *

Please provide details of two character and/or professional referees.

65.1 Referee 1

65.2 Mobile Number

65.3 Referee 2

65.4 Mobile Number


Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme TEEP- How We Can Work Together

For Those That Want Us To Work Together, This Is How We Can Work Together
If you want us to work together, I’m interested in working with you and I will show you different ways we can work together.

Done For You
If you are looking for a professional or a business plan consultant to help you answer those questions, support and mentor you, we are the right team to work with. We will research on your business idea and write a winning business plan or answer the questions in a unique way that gives you an edge over others. We will answer all the questions for you. We are very much familiar with the questions and we have success stories already.

To answer all the questions for you, it will cost you N10,000


Review Your TEEP2  Answers

You can download and use the guide to answer your questions and when you are done, you send me your answers for me to review it and give it a professional touch and send it back to you for you to submit. The answers should be done in MS words or any word processor.
The cost is N5,000


TEEP2 Success Guide

TEEP2 success guide is in two packages. The free and the paid packages. The free package is only an ebook and it only explains how to answer those questions. The paid package is more comprehensive and it comes with an ebook and videos and it includes sample answers to guide you and also a template. It is just N5,000.

Contact me on 07031542324 or


For latest grant opportunities, always visit


Click here to download TEEP 2016 questions

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