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CoalitionWILD EXCELerator Program for Environmental Projects

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CoalitionWILD EXCELerator is an intensive 6 month leadership and capacity building training that equips emerging environmental leaders with the skills necessary to carry out action projects for the planet.

CoalitionWILD EXCELerator Program: How it Works

The CoalitionWILD EXCELerator is a rigorous 6 month leadership development program. Each participant is accepted based on their individually proposed idea of an environmental project they want to implement that will tackle an issue facing an ecosystem, their community, their culture, or their livelihood.

CoalitionWILD equips EXCELerator participants (EXLs) with the tools, support, and confidence needed to implement that idea. In doing that, we focus on the 3 Ps: Project Development, Personal Growth, and Professional Network.

Project Development helps EXLs to further structure their module in terms of devising a work plan, time schedule, budget plan, etc., which form the basis for a successful implementation. It also allows them to anticipate potential challenges to the project and to troubleshoot with their cohort – many of whom face similar hurdles.

Personal Growth focuses on the improvement of EXL knowledge and skills in communication, fundraising, management techniques, and methodologies by giving them access to our resources and offering webinars with expert guest speakers. We work to build EXL confidence, not just to present their project, but as a community leader. We also focus on developing self-care practices, create a space to become comfortable looking inward, and encourage EXLs to identify their internal ‘why.’

The Professional Network is all about giving EXLs a platform for exchanging ideas, finding opportunities for advancement, and supporting their peers. We partner each EXL with a young professional for mentoring throughout the program. EXLs may also gain first-time experience speaking and presenting at conferences or a feature in international publications. The amount of professional expansion an EXL experiences is often dependent on how engaged they are in the program.

Participants are supported in successfully starting and/or continuing their project, however a full implementation of their project is not a requirement.

We don’t just build young leaders for one project, in one community, one time. We aim to build leaders for the planet for a lifetime.

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How To Apply

Fill out the application below by October 8, 2023. Please note that no applications will be accepted after the closing date. Upon closure of the application form, you will receive a message informing you about the reception of your application by October 9, 2023.

Visit CoalitionWILD EXCELerator Program for more details and apply online

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