
Platimum Business Plan Package

Original price was: ₦350,000.00.Current price is: ₦180,000.00.

You Save: 170,000.00 (48.57%)

Whether you’re starting a new business, repositioning your existing business, or targeting outside investors, getting a detailed business plan can make the journey to your business goal easier, faster, and less costly.

Writing an investor-grade business plan can be challenging and time-consuming, even for those who have done it before. If you are a typical entrepreneur, you’re already too busy focusing on other priorities, such as building your customer base, perfecting your product, or recruiting key management.

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Product Description

We can help you develop a business plan…

To get a loan from the bank,
to present to your investors,
to get business grants and competitions,
or as a personal guide and roadmap for your business

Our business plans are detailed and well-researched to meet and surpass our client’s needs and expectations.


There are numerous reasons and benefits of having a business plan as an entrepreneur. Below are just a few of the importance of having a business plan:
A Detailed Business Plan Serves As a Roadmap

A Business Plan is crucial to the success of any business. An effective business plan is defined as follows:

A formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons why they are believed attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It serves as a roadmap to achieve your goals

To Create The “Big Picture”

To create the “big picture” – to recognize the long-term direction and think about staying in business and not just starting a business.

To Create a Feasibility Study

Your business plan helps you to create a feasibility study to give an assessment of the practicality of your proposed plan or method. To test the viability of your idea to know if it going to be profitable when your business will start to make a profit (break-even), what kind of financing you will need to stay afloat, and what are the risks and barriers you need to overcome to be successful.

Good Chances of Getting Investment

A well-written business plan places you in a position to get investment or funds from potential investors. Every investor that wants to invest in your business needs a detailed business plan from you to give them a clear understanding of your business, market potential, the future of the business, the profitability of the business and to check if you have what it takes to manage the business successful.

Let us write a professional business plan that is tailored to your business needs.

Platinum Package:

Platinum package includes executive summary, company overview, products & services, SWOT analysis, business model, market research, marketing strategy, operations strategy, operation model, detailed market research, competitive analysis, opportunity analysis, management structure, milestones & timelines, detailed industry analysis, market, and sales plan, an exit strategy for investors, 5-year financial projections, loan repayment analysis, risks & mitigation.


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Take a look at the table of contents below to understand what is in the plan.

  1. Overview

1.0 Executive Summary

1.1 Benefits

1.2 Objectives

1.3 Mission

1.4 Keys to Success

2.0 Company Summary

2.1 Company Ownership

2.2 Company History

2.3 Location and facilities

2.4 Start-Up Summary

2.4.1 Required Funds

3.0 Product and Services

3.1 Overview

3.2 Pricing Strategy

3.3 Competitive Advantage

3.4 Future Products or Services

4.0 Market Analysis

4.0.1 Market Summary

4.0.2 Market Trend

4.0.3 Marketing Plan

4.1 Market Segmentation

4.2 Target Market Segment Analysis

4.3 Industry Analysis

4.4 Demand

4.5 Challenges Facing the industry

4.6 SWOT Analysis

4.6.1 Strengths

4.6.2 Weakness

4.6.3 Opportunities

4.6.4 Threats

4.7 External Environmental Analysis

4.8 Competition and Buying Patterns

4.9 Market Strategy

4.10 Sales Strategy

4.10.1 Sales Forecast

5.0 Operation plan

5.1 Production plan

5.2 Production costs

5.3 Production process

5.4 Production systems

6.0 Strategy and Implementation Summary

6.1 Competitive Edge

7.0 Management Summary

7.1 Organizational Structure

7.2 Management Team

7.3 Personnel Plan

Table: Salaries and Wages

8.0 Financial Plan

8.1 Important Assumptions

8.2 Budget

8.3 Sales Forecast 1-3 Years

8.4 Operating Expenses 1-3 Years

8.5 Cash Flow Forecast 1-3 Years

8.6 Income Statements 1-3 Years

8.7 Balance Sheet 1-3 Years

8.8 Break-even Analysis

8.9 Financial Ratio

8.10 Loan Repayment Schedule, Amortization, and Depreciation

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