Earn Money Processing and Exporting Cassava Products


Years now, Nigeria has maintained its domination as the highest producer of cassava. The root crop (manihot esculentus) grows abundantly on Nigeria soil. It is said, of 36 states in Nigeria 34 states cultivate cassava, and is major staple food for the people

Over 800 million people world-wide depend on cassava as a regular source of energy. Per capital consumption in West Africa is more than 120kg per annum while that of Central Africa Republic is more than 300kg per annum.

Most businessmen and investors don’t understand the untapped investment opportunities, even as Nigeria produces over 10 million tons annually.

Farmers hardly see this crop as avenue to hit hard currency

Tuber cassava retains assortments that make it look Hot cake These include chips, flakes, cubes, peeler, starch and flour, pellets, etc. Many European and American countries, including: Germany, UK, France, the Netherlands among others demands huge quantities of processed cassava products annually. In fact, the use of cassava for mixing live stock feed is now in vogue in Europe, this has gain wide acceptance to an extent of recent release of European Economic Community of import of over 10 million metric tonnes per annum.

Apart from livestock feeds, processed cassava serves as industrial raw material for the production of adhesives bakery products, dextrin, dextrose glucose, lactose and sucrose. Dextrin is used as a binding agent in the paper and packing industry and adhesive in cardboard, plywood and veneer binding.

Food and beverage industries use cassava products derivatives in the production of jelly caramel and chewing gum; pharmaceutical and chemical industries also use cassava alcohol (ethanol) in the production of cosmetics and drugs. The products also find ready use in the manufacture of dry cell, textiles and school chalk etc. Cassava cubes are used mainly in the compounding of livestock feeds. Thus there is a very high demand for cassava products in both the local and export markets.


Today, while lots of people are lamenting of the bad state of the economy, some are hijacking this opportunity to make wealth for themselves. This are different from the rich and the poor, the rich is always an opportunity seeker while the poor is opportunity killer

In business contact and networking is so important that any entrepreneur who lacks these basic business concept will striving very difficult.it is on the basis of this we at Etimate Global are introducing this wonderful opportunity to you.

We will allow readers to see the clear picture of how to make awesome ends meet from this awesome money spilling opportunity


“As describe by IITA with a confirmation from many Newspaper business rapporteurs whilst, research as publish by both local and international journals, Nigeria produces the most improved cassava species that translate to over 80 percent world output. Though greater part of the crop is also consume here.

Cassava End product such as Cassava chips has receive tremendous patronage due to its relatively cheap way of making animal feed especially as it is rich in carbohydrates, which makes animals very healthy and big.

In Asia, Europe and America demands from buyer are high. Recently, China spearheads countries that are willing to invest hugely in cassava Nigeria. Unfortunately, many Nigerians are seeing this mere tales that are not feasible, while graduates are patrolling streets looking for white collar jobs that are scarce and rare.

Though, realistically, the 40% percent mandatory cassava bread, as approved by the Federal Government is yet to be fully effected, but soon, Nigeria bread market will be flooded with bread made with cassava, So, whoever keyed into this now stands a better chance of blooming from cassava in no time

Hmmmmm, after all said and done, one thing is sure, it only few readers with an eagle eyes will see the huge benefit in opportunity like this, So I urge as many that reads this to embrace this glorious opportunity without all sense of commitment and seriousness as you spin your hard currencies while smiling to the bank.

Our Manual is loaded with a lot of unimaginable insight as to how could go about Cassava business profitably


  • Cassava Production Technology and local fabricators in Nigeria.
  • How to package to meet export standard especially the volume specification for cassava chips.
  • Method of Processing different cassava product.
  • Export procedures, documentation and marketing in the International market.
  • Addresses of local fabricators of cassava processing machine/equipment.
  • Procedures for collecting 30% rebate on export of Agricultural products/produces.
  • Foreign addresses of cassava chips buyers.
  • Useful Websites on cassava export.
  • Recommended sources for getting more information on processing cassava for export/utilization locally.
  • Comprehensive list of high yielding cassava varieties.
  • Detailed procedures for production of high quality cassava flour that meet specifications requirement of Nigeria companies that demand cassava flour in large quantity on daily basis.
  • The unique manual that we are talking about also includes the addresses and phone numbers of the above companies. The cassava flour capacity requirement of these companies per day is more than 1,000 tons. You can also share in this goldmine if you lay your hand on this life changing manual.
  • How to benefit in this Cassava Goldmine Era even if you don`t have any cassava farm, nor any cassava processing machine/equipment.
  • How to get funds to finance your cassava business locally and internationally.
  • How and where to get different types of standard on cassava products.
  • Procedures for competitive production of cassava in Nigeria.
  • How to get easy orders to supply cassava chips and many more.

Only very few Nigerians for now have penetrated the lucrative market and reaping cool big profits without stress. Cassava export business secret had been covered up and seriously guided for some years but now we the present Nigerian revolutionary wealth builders have decided to uncover the secrets and release them without reservation to fellow aspiring Nigerians who so desire and keen in operating the wealth building secrets.


1. To expose the idea of cassava export as great income opportunity.

2. To contribute our quota to eradicate poverty in Nigeria

3. To empower ourselves to be the best destined for us by our creator – Almighty God.

4. To practice the adage that says the more we are in the league of millionaire the merrier it becomes and the better for the peace and prosperity of our Nation.

5. To share what we know, practice and have worked successfully for us; so as to be blessed with more from the Almighty.

6. To eliminate idleness and hopelessness in our country.

7. To show people how to prosper through cassava export despite the economy.

8. To motivate the less privileged ones to be self-dependent.

9. To let people know that our country is greatly blessed with resources yet unexplored

10. To reduce financial crisis and crime in our society.

In this mission i.e. empowering you to build your desired wealth with peace of mind; many are sincerely called, but believe me or not, only few are chosen. Why only few? That is the power of destiny working. The mystery is only known to our creator – Almighty God.



In striving to live up to our name ETIMATE GLOBAL SERVICES wanting you to be a prosperous and wealthy Nigerian, which I believe, should be one of your goal in life.

Our organization has spent huge money, time and efforts to acquire valuable information through attending seminars, conferences, surfing the Internet and researches on how to be successful in cassava processing for export. All necessary, comprehensive and step by step guides on how to embark on the business and make huge financial success from it as we are currently enjoying; are contained in the well-researched manual on “PROCESSING CASSAVA FOR EXPORT”.


You may be wondering by now, I will tell you; I won’t keep you in suspense revealing the prices.

But first, let me ask you! How much can you afford to give for this type of precious and valuable information, which are outlined below:

N10, 000, N50, 000? N100,000 or more

Well, that is good, entrepreneurs have paid far more than that learning know-how of a lucrative venture in the hard way.

But since our aim is to encourage and empower you to claim your destined share of wealth doing legitimate business. We are giving the manual to you at a token fee of N6,000 (Six Thousand Five Hundred Naira only) with this sum, the manual “PROCESSING CASSAVA FOR EXPORT will be packaged and delivered to you anywhere in Nigeria by courier, you must hurry before the price changes, as it is sure to do. Nothing is as permanent as change. You know.


To get your own copy of the unique manual, take the following steps.

Account Name: Etimate Global Services
Account Number: 1150007557
Bank: Skye Bank or
Account Name: Utibe Etim
Account Number: 2012483183
Bank: UBA


After payment, send the following information to us


Send us an e-mail titled ‘PAYMENT FOR CASSAVA PROCESSING AND EXPORT” containing the following:

Payment details including: Depositor’s name, Amount

Your email address

Phone number

The manual with other bonuses (if you qualify) would then be sent to your email immediately your draft is received.

Have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 07031542324 or [email protected]

Utibe Etim
Utibe Etim


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