What Do You Think About Self-Service Laundry Centre/Laundromat

I have been receiving feedback from my esteemed subscribers on the last email I sent out on self-service laundry/Laundromat business concept.

In my last email I asked my subscribers what they think about a business concept I am writing about. The business concept is Self-service laundry centre/Laundromat.

A Laundromat or self-service laundry is a business with washing machines and dryers that anyone can use to do laundry. Machines are usually operated by customers.

With self-service laundry, you provide the equipment and facilities, customers walk in with their clothes and you charge per kg and issue receipt to the customer. You charge certain amount per one wash/dry session. After payment, the customer will use your equipment to wash their clothes.
Apart from this service, you can sell washing material, other item etc

I asked them the following questions:

What do you think about the idea? What is your location, do you have any idea and do you think it is profitable?
What is the cost of setting up this business?
Is the equipment available here in Nigeria?


The feedback I received from my subscribers are really helpful and inspiring. I have decided to share with you…

Below are some of the selected feedback from my subscribers on what they think about the Laundromat concept:


Thanks for sharing your newly conceived idea with your subscribers. It is indeed interesting. My take on the idea is briefly given below:

I foresee the idea being a huge hit in middle income class concentrated communities if the price is cheaper than the amount laundry business owners charge. While majority of the demo-graph may be very busy during weekdays, the cost that would be safe in coming over to the laundromat would anyway motivate them to keep coming back. I personally will willingly spare few minutes to wash my clothing myself and have them dry by a machine for a cheaper amount compare to what a laundry man will charge me even if I have to travel few distance to where I would get this service. I have the luxury of such time over the weekend.

Moving forward, I think the future of business lies in provision of all round convenience for customers. The world in my opinion is gradually evolving to a point where people will want all things done for them. So in a laundry business for example, developing a kind of app that allows customers alert laundry business owners to come pickup their dirty clothes, wash for them, dry, iron and return is what the consumers of tomorrow will fancy.

Above, is my two cents sir.




Hi Utibe,
The Laundromat is a good business, though I would say most people are not even aware of it. There is one close to my house in FESTAC, Lagos and I have a friend that patronizes them. I think it’s a good business but the only disadvantage they have over the traditional laundry is the fact that they do not iron. In busy Lagos, people have less time to do some of these things and that is why I think most people would still patronize the traditional laundry services that provide ironing services more than the laundromat. Also, there’s the challenge of the awareness not being there. People need to be aware
I doubt if that equipment can be purchased here in Nigeria but you can make further enquiry.

God bless you for the great job you are doing. Please be more active on Twitter. Thank you



Fantastic idea, I live in Calabar, but my say is this? Why do we take clothes to d dry cleaners, reason is to actually reduce d stress of washing & ironing. Are we Nigerians going to be excited about doing it yourself, what do they stand to benefit if they do it, most of them have d facilities at home, but laziness will not let them be, but the other way, there’s nothing God cannot turn around, a lot of sensitization/ awareness creation will be needed for a buy in, I submit.



Wow! I think where i have seen such business is in foreign movies, and was not expecting it in Nigeria but since it’s you bringing up the idea i must say its welcoming. there is no harm in trying but the situation in our country is that people want to pay and allow others do the job they will not want to pay and still do it themselves so think about it or else you are the one washing.

Kingsley Maze


I think the idea is quiet OK. And it worth planning for if the necessary finding are been done. I’m in lokoja, kogi state. Yea like I said earlier if u have the required and proper information about the
business like the rate at which 1kg of cloth should be washed or dried and if location will matters, it will be more profitable. As for the cost u can get it during your findings and even if the equipment are available in Nigeria. I support the idea. It is a nice one

Nelvic J


Hello Utibe
My cousin once wanted to setup a laundromat ar Port Harcourt.

I asked her these questions:
If I can afford laundry services why would go to a laundromat and do my laundry. And if I can’t afford to have someone to do my laundry why would I still patronise the laundromat when I do it myself.

She couldn’t answer them and business never saw the light


Hi Utibe, hope the holiday was well enjoyed.

Yes i have seen the business done here in Lagos but in two locations only. Although it is a lovely business to go into the following questions have to be answered:
1. The location to set up based on self service (level of education counts) and charge for laundry
2. Who would give customers quantity of soap, whiteners, etc chemicals to be applied for washing
3. Others, based on cost of rent and equipment.

My friend runs a laundry service so I heard him talk, he initially bought his first equipment here in Nigeria but recently got some very cheap from the UK based on sales (out with old stock things) so its up to you.

It is very profitable however I believe a lot of research based on your own unique business selling point would guide you better.

Hope this helps abit.


Gregory R.


Dear Etim,
Reading your mail created a spark of possibilities in my mind that still glows even now! Thank you.
I believe Landromarts could have potentials, especially for Upper /Middle class Nigerians. While, I haven’t seen or heard of one in my area, Iseyin, Oyo State, or even Nigeria; I believe it has potentials
that must be exploited, possibly alongside services like car wash and fuel station.
Presently, I have no ideas about the cost structure but I intend to begin enquiries as you have aroused my interest.




Hi. The business u talked about is good. I’ve actually seen it @ Festac, in lagos but like u said, it’s scarce. I stay at mushin and there isn’t any there. Some parts of mushin will be good to establish such though (like palm avenue).


I’m very interested in this your idea everything needed can be procured here in Nigeria, I’m so excited about the information you always send to my inbox.


I’m still researching on this idea and will be interviewing those that are already operating this business. Once am done with the research and gather all the information on how to start a successful self-service laundry and normal laundry service, I will publish it on my website.


If you have comment please use the comment box below I will love to hear from you


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9 thoughts on “What Do You Think About Self-Service Laundry Centre/Laundromat”

  1. hi! this is a nice write-up. did you conclude the research? what is the outcome? please share

  2. Hi, so I decided to set up a laundromat in warri (www.jemawashndry.com), or follow us @Jemawashndry on Instagram and Facebook. This is the New Warri. Great business, lovely community.

      1. Yes, we have started operations. It has been wonderful. Alot of people are beginning to see the benefits of laundromat as we offer both self service (1,800 per 10kg) and dropoff/pickup(2,500 per 10kg), we also offer ironing service. You can check out our unique space on IG: @Jemawashndry or on facebook @Jemawashndry

        Thanks for articles. It helped alot!

        1. That is awesome. I will feature you on my startup stories program so as to create awareness and promote your stuff for you free.

        2. Mr runo pls what was he cost.. I have gone through your page on Instagram nice job you have there…
          I would love to have more details of the cost pls thanks

  3. Ruth okutu

    How much is the cost for the start up of a laundromat?

  4. Gabriel

    Hello mr.ruin, I am setting up a laundromat bizness here in Lagos,girbau product of 10 pieces of 10kg washer, 3 pieces of 19kg double stack dryers and 1 pieces of 20kg washer..I am not done setting it up and I don’t have much idea about it on how to make it grow once I am set..any idea would be a plus for me..thank u

  5. Gabriel

    Hello mr. Etim, I am setting up a laundromat bizness here in Lagos,girbau product of 10 pieces of 10kg washer, 3 pieces of 19kg double stack dryers and 1 pieces of 20kg washer..I am not done setting it up and I don’t have much idea about it on how to make it grow once I am set..any idea would be a plus for me..thank u

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