9 Businesses Pastors can do Part-Time and Make Money

This article was last reviewed and updated on the 30th of October, 2020 by Utibe Etim.

Are you a pastor looking for a business to do or ways to make money part-time without having to depend solely on what comes out from your pastoral activities? As a pastor, it’s either you are the founder of your ministry or you are appointed/employed by the leadership of the church.

Even as a founder of the ministry, depending solely on the offerings and tithes of your church members isn’t ideal and where the offerings and tithes paid by your members isn’t enough to cover the church expenses and your personal/family expenses, you will be frustrated and you may end up becoming a beggar before your members and losing self-respect.

It’s pertinent of you not to depend solely on what comes from your church members even if you are pastoring a church with over 10,000 members because as a pastor, you need to sow seeds more than your church members do, you need to pay offerings more than your members do and help as many members as you can.

They are some pastors that don’t want to have anything to do with their church money. They prefer the church money should be spent on church activities and member’s empowerment. I have met many of them.

So if you are a pastor that doesn’t want to depend on money from your pastoring work, but want to have other sources of income to also support your pastoring work, what are the opportunities you can tap into?

Well, I will be discussing many of them here based on my experience and exposure to many pastors that I have met. In fact, I was inspired to write this article because of the interest shown by many pastors.

So let’s  take a look at the 9 Businesses Pastors can do Part-Time and Make Money below:

1. Writing and Publishing Your Own Books

Making money by writing and publishing books is very common among pastors everywhere in the world. This is very much possible and easy for pastors with many years of experience in ministering. As a pastor, you read and study often. Every day you learn a lot from your leadership role. So publishing a book and sharing your experiences and marketing the book is another source of income.

Some pastors have published over 100 books. I was building an e-commerce website for my client, DSA Book Planet and when I was adding some books, I added about 98 books of Sunday Adelaja alone. over 100 books from a pastor are quite a number and I got to discover that he doesn’t depend on the church offerings.

Sam Adeyemi is one of the pastors that I have been following that doesn’t want to have anything to do with his church offering except selling his books.

2. Public Speaking Coach Teacher

As a pastor, you probably have more public speaking experience than just about anyone around. Standing in front of a sizeable number of people every time to speak or teach helps you to build confidence. The problem of public speaking is Glossophobia- that is speech anxiety – the fear of public speaking. As a matter of fact, about 75% of people suffer from speech anxiety (Glossophobia), but for someone that is constantly engaged in public speaking, within a short period of time, you should be able to master the art.

So leveraging on your experience and exposure to offer a private-public speaking class or coaching sessions is another source of income for you. The demand for public speaking skills and good communication skills is on the high side.

If you are skilled in using Microsoft Excel, accounting software, an experienced caterer or baker, or anything else, peach people what you know. When I first started my business, I teach people how to design websites because I learned that and I have the knowledge.

In this technology age, all you need to do is to create a website and have a strong social media presence. Using a website to market your skills will help you bring more income. If you need me to create a website for you, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

I will recommend creating digital products like video tutorials, Ebooks and online courses for the following reason:

i. Give you enough time: creating digital products will give you enough time to dedicate to your pastoral assignment/activities.

ii. Wider Audiences: With digital products, wider audiences can access your product. They don’t have to come to your current location to have access to your products or services.

iii. Make Money Anytime: With digital products like videos, ebooks, or online courses, from your website or social media presence, some can easily purchase it while you are in the bed or ministering.

iv) Cheap and Easy to Get Started: even if you are living in a one-room apartment and you don’t want your students to intrude on your privacy, the easier way is online. A good website and good marketing will bring money constantly.

You can offer physical training as well, but then you need to have a very good centre and facilities to handle your students.

With digital products, once someone makes a payment, you can immediately forward the products to them via emails using your phone or other means.

3. Online Course Facilitator

Education is one of the fundamental factors for economic growth and individuals, governments and private organizations are spending heavily in the sector. Knowledge is what people are constantly looking for. Skills are what they want.

Online education platforms provide a new flexible and efficient way to learn while the facilitators make money teaching what they know. You don’t necessarily have to be online all the time to teach, you record yourself teaching, but student interaction and homework grading are done by the course facilitator. Most online courses aren’t run by professors, but rather by course facilitators.

In fact, most of these platforms are “set and forget”. Record, edit, upload and students pay and download or learn on the platform and you make money.

Platforms like www.udemy.com, www.dovilearn.com, www.skillshare.com, www.tutor.ng just to mention a few are what you need to get started.

I love online education for the way it benefits students and also presents a fun and flexible source of income as well for the facilitator.

4. Network Marketing Business

Network marketing is all about leveraging social and professional relationships to market, sell and distribute products or services and also build a team of others who do the same. A network marketing business will give you enough time to focus on church activities.

A good network should involve selling products and also recruit a team. Focusing on selling the products alone instead of building a team is not the best way to go about it. Building downlines in your network will help you go far and attend the position of leadership in the network as network marketing is about rewarding leadership the same way traditional businesses do and also in the church.

Many people hate network marketing businesses and have these myths – Network marketing is a pyramid scheme, network marketing can’t give you a secure income, the people at the top earn all the money just to mention a few.

Donald Trump was once asked if he lost everything, what would he do to start over, and he said network marketing.

As a network marketer myself promoting Forever Living Products FLP, I can attest to the fact that the business is the 21st-century business.

Network marketing’s business model is simply leveraging the power of one-to-one relationships to market and distribute products directly to consumers.  Network Marketing companies empower independent entrepreneurs to use their products and established brands to make money and build your own business.

Any network marketing that they don’t have any product to sell, please stay away from such a network marketing company because it won’t last.

List of Network Marketing  You Can Join

  1. Forever Living Products
  2. GNLD – Golden NeoLife Diamite
  3. Trevo
  4. Alliance in Motion Global
  5. Oriflame
  6. Kedi
  7. Edmark
  8. Longrich Network Company Ltd

You can research more on any of the networks online.

5. Supplier of Fast Moving Goods

As a pastor, you can make money sourcing for fast-moving goods and supply them to market women and other wholesalers and retailers. You can supply eggs in crates, palm oil, dry fish just to mention a few. In fact, most of the goods/stocks in those superstores like Justrite, Shoprite among others are not owned by them, they are supplied by people who get paid once the goods are sold or a percentage before and full payment after.

6. Catfish Farming

Having started a catfish farm on a small scale in my backyard, I can say that the business is one of the businesses you can do without having to stay throughout the day watching. All you just need to do is to monitor, feed, and change the water when necessary. You can start small. I started my backyard catfish farming with just 100 fingerlings just to test-run things and the experience so far has been awesome.

7. Mini Import Business and Selling on Jumia, Konga and Online

Mini importation and selling things online is what I love so much. The best part of it is that you are leveraging on already established platforms and hungry buyers to sell what you have. You import things from Aliexpress.com and sell on Jumia, Konga, Dealdey, Facebook, etc

Small-scale importation or mini importation business is all about importing products that can be sold in Nigeria on a small scale. Viral products that you can sell easily.

8. Rental Services

There are different kinds of rental services you can do but the easiest and more lucrative is party equipment rental services.  Party equipment rental service is a very lucrative business especially in a densely populated area where celebrations and parties are done every week.

9. Information Marketing

I love this business with passion. If I have to start afresh, I will work on information marketing. You see we are in the information age. According to Wikipedia, The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a historic period in the 21st century characterized by the rapid shift from traditional industry that the Industrial Revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information technology.

In this age, information drives everything. Technology drives everything.

What you just need to do to make money is to sell information. Sell what you know. Sell your knowledge, Sell your skills.

One of my mentors, Ikenna Ronald Nzimora published a book with the title “Sell Your Brain”. Sell what you know and make money from it. Fred Gleeck also said Sell Your Brain Power: Information Marketing in 7 Easy Steps.

On my platform, www.UtibeEtim.com, that’s exactly what I’m doing. Selling information that adds value to people. I offer free information first to add value and the other informational products to help you add more value and help you achieve something.

There are numerous areas you can focus on and package something valuable to sell. I will recommend getting Akin Alabi’s book titled “Small Business Big Money: How to Start, Grow, and Turn Your Small Business Into a Cash Generating Machine” and Ikenna Ronald Nzimora’s book titled “Sell Your Brain”.

Any of those books will get you started.


You need to focus on one idea at a time and be consistent. Consistency is the keyword.

The idea mentioned above are business ideas you can start with N10,000 except for rental services and writing and publishing a book. Digital books are easy to publish. You don’t need N10,000 for that as long as you have your computer system and internet connection.

If you need help getting started, we can help you achieve that. You can do them by yourself but if you come to us to help you set it up, we will charge a fee for that.

Lastly, you need to take action!

If you have any questions or comments to make, use the comment box below or use the contact page to get in touch.

I hope this helps.

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14 thoughts on “9 Businesses Pastors can do Part-Time and Make Money”

  1. Hi Etim. I have been following your blog for some years now and it has been really informative. I don’t know how you are able to gather so much information especially about grants, but its highly commendable. Thanks.

    1. Hi Larry, Our platform is a well-known platform and some organizations send them to us for us to review and publish. We also check different platforms to source for latest and valid opportunities

  2. Promise Umoh

    You are doing a great job. Keep it up, God have got your back

  3. This article is one in a million, in this part of the world where people prefer to closely guard their success secrets. Glad to see someone so open and generous with dishing out great moneymaking ideas and information to impact the lives of others and better the society. Keep it up!

  4. Rev Ubi Michael

    Hello Utibe Etim, thanks a million for the information. I was really inspired
    My name is Mike Ubi, am a pastor with Church of God mission and I resident in Benin city. I have written quite numbers of books, how can I sell my books online

    1. Hi Rev Ubi,
      Thanks for your comment. I will be glad to share my wealth of experiences with you so as to help you promote your books.

      The best way to promote your books and knowledge is to employ digital marketing. That said, it is very important to have an online presence to showcase your stuff.

      You need a website and also you need to include content marketing.
      You need to have a social media presence. Your target audience would determine the best social media platform to use. For me, it doesn’t really matter if you use all the major social media platforms.

      Content marketing is key to your success. Therefore, you need to always drop fresh content on your social media platforms and also on your website and don’t hesitate to make reference to your paid books, products or video training.

      If you need a website to promote your books, you can reach out to me anytime.

      I hope this helps.

  5. Nathaniel

    I will love you to kindly help me prepare a website for me. I am a pastor who does public speaking and teaching.

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