YouWIN First Edition

Federal Government Launches YouWiN! 3 for Men and Women Entrepreneurs

Federal Government launches YouWiN! 3 for both men and women entrepreneurs in Nigeria. YouWiN! 3 is the third edition and will feature men and women entrepreneurs in Nigeria between the ages of 18 to 40.

The programme will be launched in August 2013 by the president and first stage applications close by early September. The first edition of YouWIN programme was for both men and women while the second edition of YouWIN was dedicated to women only.

I am one of the pioneer awardees and I also single handedly helped two women including my sister to win the women edition and assisted many women and men who stood for their wife and I will also help and assist many to make it there in this 3rd edition.

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

You can check out my past posts about YouWIN and explore them.

 The programme timeline is below:

YouWIN 3 programme

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34 thoughts on “Federal Government Launches YouWiN! 3 for Men and Women Entrepreneurs”

  1. Utibeabasi, tnx alot for this information. I also want to participate in d next round. I intend starting from the scratch in the agriculture sector. Pls i need your advise.

    1. Samuel you can participate. It is free and you need a good business idea that can generate employment.

    1. Hello Tola,
      The delay is due to some logistics. You know YouWIN One supposed to have closed on 31st July, 2013 and anyone that has not received his or her remaining tranches would forfeit it, but we sent letter to YouWIN secretariat to extend it to August and that request was assented to. Besides, YouWIN Two awardees (women edition) have not been paid their first tranche. They wanted to finish with us, pay youwin2 awardees before commencing the youwin 3. Hopefully next week or last week of August, submission of business plans will commence. Nonetheless, you can register your account and wait for the commencement of biz plan submission.

      I will be releasing my ebook on the secrets, proven techniques you can use and win big with YouWIN soon.

  2. kolawole Matthew

    Thanks for sharing your experience with the upcoming ones.I am a final year student of department of soil science, faculty of Agriculture, OAU,ile-ife osun state Nigeria.I have registered for the youwin 3.My idea is about agribusiness. Am I qualified to apply ? If yes I need your assistance on how my idea and business plan could be a winning one. What is the span for Business plan submission like (one or two weeks).I will be glad to receiving answers to my questions .Thanks

    1. Hello Kolawole,
      You can apply as a final year student. Agribusiness is the most favoured sector and if you can prove to the that you have the entrepreneurial skills to run this business successfully, you will win.
      The 1st stage submission will last for 1 month.

      As for the assistance, how do you want me to help you?

  3. Pls i got dis information late and dont knw if i can meet up. My name is Lindy am in bus.Admin in university of Abuja pls wat kind of busines do u think dat cn favour one

    1. Lindy, as a potential entrepreneur, you need to conceive your idea and it should be a business idea you have passion for. So I will like to ask you what kind of business will you like to setup and you know you have the right skills or you can easily get this skills to run this idea successfully?

  4. kolawole Matthew

    when is the first round closing.what am i meant to do in the first round?
    2 I am challenged in the area of business plan writing.kindly assist me with your email address. thanks

    1. Hello Kolawole, the first round has not been opened for now due to logistics reason. This will, however, be open very soon. I was hoping it will open in the last week of August, but from the look of things, it may be open in the first or second week of September. I will keep you posted.

      As for assistant in business plan writing, I need to know the idea you want to send to youwin and your location. In the last edition which was meant for only women, I single-handedly helped my sister to win and assisted many others to review their plan which they make it while some couldn’t go beyond the first round.

      Please contact me, this is my email and phone: info(@) and 07031542324

  5. tanimu ira

    Iam a grduate of agric entomology and i will lyk to apply 4dis YouWin3 so pls let me know when they will commence the application and all the guides to succeed

  6. Ibeabuchi

    When are the YOUWIN begin payment of first tranch for the women edition?

    1. Hello Ibeabuchi, the delay is due to problem with logistics. YouWIN one urged to have ended so that they can concentrate with YouWIn 2 and 3, but right now some youwin one have not been paid even those that have been cleared by both monitors and approved by YouWIN. Alot will happen in the first week and second week of September and I am quite sure youwin 2 awardees would be paid. From the meeting selected youwin 1 awardees had with coordinator, something positive will happen during this period.

  7. Good day bro,
    I guess YOUWIN3 is yet to kick off…
    I want to venture into agrobusiness like livestock production and plant cultivation. I need a convincing and killer BUSINESS PLAN. How can you help me out with this?
    Expecting your urgent response sir.

    1. I can help you achieve this. Please get in touch with me on 07031542324. Please also mention your location.

  8. Menyechi

    I registered with youwin yesterday and I don’t know if i still have a chance to participated in the program as it seems my application is late. I only got information about the program yesterday.

    1. Menyechi YouWIN 3 has not started yet, you are on the right track and I will notify you one the youwin 3 has commenced.

  9. Hello Utibe Etim
    I just herd about the YouWIN 3 program today from a friend and i registered and the message i saw on the page is that YouWiN! 3 Business Plan Competition is not currently open. Does it mean that the program has closed or it has not commenced.

    1. Nnanna no, the youwin3 programme has not started yet. The program will soon commence. The delay is due to some logistics and that is being sorted out by the secretariat.
      Meanwhile you can prepare and get set while waiting for the website to open for submission. Take time to do some researches on your idea and prepare a winner business plan. What is your business idea all about? You can inbox me or call me.

      Nevertheless, you can download my free ebook on writing a winner business plan for youwin. In my ebook I share my thought, tips and techniques to use and position yourself ahead of others. Visit

  10. Ferdinand F.

    Utibe, I love what you are doing, it’s wonderful! You are not hoarding necessary info to your fellow Nigerian’s on what could be of help to them. Keep it up. Your success has just begun.

  11. funmilayo Toriola

    Hello Utibe Etim, u r really doing a good job with all this infos. Pls., i like to find out, i av registered for the women edition this Nov., 2013 but i could not find the busniess plan tab in other to fill the business plan. Could you pls advice me on what to do. Thanks, look forward to your responce.

    1. Hello Funmilayo, thanks for visiting my site. The 3rd edition of YouWIN, which is YouWIN 3 is open to both men and women and not women only as you believe. Submission of business plan as not commence yet, the programme will commence on the same day of presidential lunch which is 25th of Nov, 2013. So please wait until 25th of this month before you can submit your business plan.

  12. ademola ADENIYI Nelson

    Hi Etim, weldone bro, you are a patrotic naija guy. When is the men and women edition for 2013 commence? Wil it still hold this year?

  13. abraham

    hello utibe, i am a webdesigner like you…and i would like to apply for youwin…can you please help me with some of the materals you used?

    thanks and God bless you Abundantly..

  14. Hi Etim. Really appreciate ur spirit and effort. I am an entrepreneur. I help a family friend to run his distillery. I read microbiology and I’m into production and sales of alcoholic drinks. I have a passion and a lucrative idea to start my small scale business which entails producing carbonated beverages in PET bottle similar to Lacasera apple and Teem Bitter Lemon. My major challenge is the start-up capital to rent a place as factory, equip it with the necessary machines and begin the process of NAFDAC registration. I also have a challenge of writing a winning Business plan. I’ll appreciate your assistance. Thanks

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