How I Got Instant Loan from GTBank Quick Credit

I remember when I wanted to pay my office rent a few years ago, I wasn’t financial buoyant and I decided to approach two of the commercial banks that I have accounts with and I must confess that the whole experience was frustrating.

Generally, as an SME or self-employed, to get loans from the commercial banks in Nigeria is pretty difficult as you will be asked to present documents and collaterals beyond your reach. I have tried accessing loans for my business in the past and I know how frustrating the whole process and requirements can be.

Sometimes you don’t blame the banks as many SMEs do not position themselves well before approaching banks for a loan.

Many bank customers do not know how to build a relationship with their banks and many do not have a good credit history. Credit history is very important if you are looking forward to accessing loans from the banks. This article, Your Credit History: What You Should Know shed more light on this topic and I enjoin you to read about it and try to work on your credit history.

In the past, it was very difficult for SMEs to get bank loans without collateral. In recent time, I have seen banks come up with products to support SMEs and salary earners without asking for any collateral in any form. One of such products from a commercial bank is GTB Quick Credit.

There are numerous products and apps from both commercial banks and non-commercial banks alike that you can get a small business loan or instant loan and this article here highlights the major ones: Top Lending Platforms to Get a Quick Loan Within 10Mins to 24hrs Without a Collateral

I used to see GTB adverts on Quick Credit everywhere I go and I tried to access it once and it was no! So I never bothered going back to initiate the process again because I believe it was for salary earners.

On the 14 of August, I logged in to my GTWorld app to initiate a transfer, lo and behold, a message popup that I’m pre-qualified for a loan of N75,000. That I should press yes to accept or no to reject and out of curiosity, I pressed yes.

The app took me to another page where I was shown the total loan amount, interest and the loan tenor which is 6 months. I pressed accept and immediately, my account was credited with N75,000 loan with a repayment plan of 6 months.

It was surprising and the words that came out of my mouth were “so this thing works”. I didn’t have the intention of borrowing from them, but now I understand the importance of building a relationship with your bank and also building my credit history, I was happy to get the loan from GTB and I immediately transferred the money to my Facebook and Google ads accounts so as to make more money in order to pay back the loan.

From the loan repayment schedule that GTBank sent to me, I will be pay between N12,697.75 – N13,276.70 every month for 6 months starting August 31. My repayment due date is every last day of the month.

I have seen people that have received N150,000 and N500,000 as self-employed. A salary account holder with GTbank can get up to N5 million depending on how much they earn every month.

So what is GTB Quick Credit:
GTB Quick Credit is a time loan available to salary and non-salary account holders with the bank. It’s an instant loan without collateral and you can get up to N5million as a salary account holder and up to N1million for a non-salary account holder.

What is the interest rate:
The interest rate of 1.75% monthly. That means for a loan that will last for 6 months you will pay 10.5 % and a loan that will last for 12 months you will pay 21%.

Loan Tenor:
The payback period is between 6 months to 12 months.

How to Apply for GTB Quick Credit:
Do you have an account with GTbank and are you interested in getting a quick credit?
There are two ways you can apply for quick credit.
1) The first method to apply is by using a USSD. You need to dial *737*51*51# to request for Quick Credit instantly.
2) The second method is making your Quick Credit request using GTBank online and mobile banking platforms (Internet Banking, GTWorld, GTBank Mobile App and Habari App)

Have you tried using GTB Quick Credit and what was the experience like?

Kindly share your experience with us using the comment box below.

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75 thoughts on “How I Got Instant Loan from GTBank Quick Credit”

  1. I got a loan of 750,000 early this month 9August) at 1.75% IR. had been seeing the popup for sometime whenever I logged into my GT World app. The maximum loan-able amount the app showed me was 1,100,000. I don”t know how they came about this amount, but all I know it that I wanted to give it a try and I did. I expected to get a call from the bank in the morning to submit some forms or to get employers details etc. However, in less than 5 mins, (5am to 5:10am), I received a credit alert of 750,000. My account balance was around 5,000 before this.
    So it was not a function of the amount in the account or transaction cause it’s my salary account.

    1. Wow! Thank Olukunbi for sharing your experience. That is a lot of money and it will help you solve a lot.
      This should encourage in dare need of urgent money to take advantage.

      1. Ayodele Fajemiyo

        What many people did not know about GTBANK QUICK CREDIT as stated in their terms and condition is non-eligibility after 59years of age. Existing customer will be blocked when the age limit is reached while a new customer will be decline access.

    2. Gbenga Gsolo

      I was also privileged to be part of this opportunity,I got mine early this month through my Gtworld app.The issue now is how to pay back my loan.i nwed help on this.because I don’t want to default for subsequent dealings.urgent reply plsssss.Thanks.

  2. I already have an account with them but they are asking I open a salary account.


    Enter your comment here…it a lie joor I tried it and ask me to open another account which they did,and I called their customer care line to ask while I can’t be granted the quick loan and the next thing I was told that am not able to get it,after banking and having a good history with them for over 10yrs now so they are frued they know the pple they are giving is just cover up if not that I just like banking with them I will close my account with them and go to union bank is not like that with them.fuck GTB

    1. It’s not a lie. I shared my experiences in that article. Getting a loan from a bank depends on so many factors especially your creditworthiness. If you don’t have a good credit score, you will be denied even if you have been banking with GTB or any other bank for a long time.

      Your inflow and outflow also play an important role. Another factor is whether you are using a savings account or current account to apply. A current account is preferable.

      1. Olayemi

        Hi. Please what does it mean to have a good credit score/building relationship with your bank coz I’ve never owed any loan app and my inflow and outflow of cash is also very ok so I wonder why I still can’t get a loan.

    2. Titilope Osiyemi

      I can, relate with this article.This loan thing was just like a dream.I needed some money for my business and my hubby told me to try *737*51*51*.it says you are qualified for N75k.I followed the next step,Peem,my account was credited with 75k. Unbelievable!!!Iyepa,I am sure I will cough out like 100k with this awoof money. My hubby said mummy calm down check out the interest rate do you think it’s a loan shark?😊.Another shocker 1.75🙆..I said Tunde you are a bad man so you knew this all along and you refuse to share .Anyways to cut a long story short,I will finish paying by the end of this month. It’s not only for salary earners ooo

    3. Thank you for taking my call, I also got a quick credit loan of 650k over a 12Month tenure, I have paid for 10months and I’m planning to liquidate the loan in order to access another quick credit. I hope I can re apply as soon as I liquidate the existing loan

        1. Haleemat Adeyoola

          Tried it now, but have not gotten the credit alert.

  4. Chinedu

    Dear Etim,
    After reading this article I tried the Gtb bank quick credit loan and it was declined cos I don’t have a salary account. And your article said both for salary earners and sme. Please if you know Gtbank is not ready for granting loans to there customer no need of packaging it here for us. I tried it again now and it’s not working yet. I have banked with Gtb since 2010 as my major bank yet am can still deny me a soft loan. I spoke with my account Officer about and he promised they will do something. If ordinary app on Google play can grant me soft loan them am ashamed of GTB being my main bank.

    1. I am not a salary earner but self-employed. I have a current and savings account with them and it was the current account that the app decided to give automatically. I have tried using my corporate account and the app denied it and not once, but severally.

      The GTB Quick Loan uses a lot of factors to determine whether to grant or deny.

      Your credit score plays an important factor in getting loan.

  5. Sunungutma Dahiru

    kudos to GTB for the wonderful services rendered to their customers. I just dialled*737*51*51# I got N70,000 instantly as loan to pay within 12th months

  6. Albert Chibuike Ugwu

    I tried the instant loan request and it was denied me because I don`t have a salary account with them.
    I think its for only salary earners or very high turnover individual account operators.

    1. It’s not for only a salary account holder. Even you have a salary account with them but your company isn’t reputable or your salaries aren’t regular, they might still deny you. A lot of factors are used to determine that.

      I don’t have a salary account with them. What I have is a current and a saving account but I was able to access the fund with my current account, the bank can easily charge overdraft even if I don’t have enough fund to repay my loan at the due the date and leave my account with a negative balance
      The same thing is not possible with saving accounts.


    I have a salary account but it kept on declining my request

  8. Omowunmi

    I just want to open a gt bank account. Is it possible I am granted a loan or do I need to have banked with them for a number of years to be granted a loan

  9. Taiwo zaccheus damilare

    I already have an account with gtb but when I dial the cold was telling me to open an account with gtb

  10. Ogbodo Sunday

    My salary has been coming from my GTB account for 7months now and still yet they refused to offer me a loan.

    1. Write to them about it. Get your account officer’s contact details and contact him or her. Your account officer should be able to help.

  11. I have a savings account with them and they insist that I should open a salary account

  12. Ibrahim Oluwatosin

    You are right Mr Etim, it happen to me too in the middle of last year I got a message from GTB that am eligible for the salary advancement without having salary account with them and I give it a try instantly my account was credited with 65,000 for a period of 1yr of monthly payment of 6,000 naira plus and I don’t even wait to that one year before I complete the payment (at the 6th month). Following month I try to request for another loan and I was told to open salary account and this morning I received a mail from them that am eligible to the salary advancement.
    From my findings from many people I told about it they quick cash, the response they got from GTB is to go and open salary account including my husband that has two very active account with them

    1. Good to hear that.
      The same thing happens to me. That their app gets “brain problem”. It will recognize you today and tomorrow it will bullshit you.

  13. Leonard Osuorji

    It’s all rubbish , I have had a salary account with GT bank for years , I left the company but still continued with transactions , I joined another company and up till now my salary is being paid thru that same account , even clearly stated as salary for the month . I have done transactions worth over 1 million naira in the past 6 or 7 months , yet am still not eligible for soft loan , I will move every future transaction and salaries to UBA , they seem to be more caring to their costumers that this good for nothing gtbank .

    1. I will disagree with you on this. GTB Quick Credit is built on an app with some algorithm that automatically accepts and rejects applicants based on some rules.
      Besides that, you haven’t profiled your salary account with them. For the fact that you are using that account to receive a salary from your company, if you haven’t profiled it as a salary account, it will not be done to them.

      You can profile that account as a salary account via your internet banking. under a quick loan, you will see the option.

      Better still talk to your account officer, your account manager will help you better.

      I don’t have a salary account except current account with them and I was able to benefit from the loan.

  14. Caroline

    I already have a salary account and when I dialed the code,it said I should open a salary account.Am confused on what else to do

    1. Their app algorithm sometimes mistakenly and automatically turns the loan application down if the person didn’t meet your parameters.

      I will advise you rather talk to your account office.

    1. The money would be automatically deducted from your account on the due dates. Just ensure there are sufficient funds in your account for your monthly repayment.

      In case you want to liquidate your entire loan at once, you can log into your internet banking and click on liquidate to repay all your loans.

      1. Timilehin

        My brother liquidated his loan and he was unable to get another ..pls your response would be highly appreciated…

  15. Onasanya Iretiola Iyabode

    It is true. Infact this is the 2nd time am getting the loan from GTB…..the 1st was last year done in the comfort of my room and given 500k…..after i finished paying, i am currently on another loan from the same portal this March 2020. Its worth it. The interest rate is perfect….i so much like it cos would be deducted as at when due with no added interest. GTB… you biko on this one.

    1. That is good news and I believe you are making good use of the fund. Mine, I invested in adverts to bring high ROI.
      I haven’t been able to get another one since.

      1. Ebhodaghe luckypaul

        How can I can I contact my account officer

  16. Monday O Ewurum

    I have a savings account can I access the loan?

  17. Matthew Ibukunoluwa

    Hello, I have a savings account already, but *737*51*51# still asks me to open a savings account, although I’ve been able to access the loan last year and I’ve finished paying all back, is there anything I’m not doing pls

  18. Fidelis

    I have a saving acount but that code keep saying open a salary acct,I don’t understand I tot is for both salary and non salary acct right,so why opening an acount again

  19. Olusola

    I have a pre-qualification amount of 300,000 but when I proceed with my transaction pin it says invalid token, do I need a token since I have been transacting with my four digits pin for long?

  20. will the bank inform the company where the salary comes from about the

  21. how can i reduce the loan as am eligible to 170,000 loan from GTB but will like to get 70,000 to pay in 12 months.

  22. Rabiu Fausat

    I have obtained the loan before, the payment supposed to finish by April but I paid up in January, since then I can’t obtain another loan my account is not a salary account but that is where the company I work with pay my salary to please help me out

  23. Habeeblaih

    This site just enlighten me more about gtbank but I will be glad if they can offer me loan

  24. Ezekiel Akpan

    Please I’ve been dialing the Code and it’s says that I’m yet to be prequalify, that i should contact my account officer,
    How long will it take?
    And how do I know my account officer?

  25. Nwadioha mirian

    Pls I want to contact my account Officer help me thank you..

  26. Desmond udousoro

    I don’t believe it works! I’ve tried everything I could to get a facility on their various platforms but to no avail, it’s very frustrating. They even sent me a mail that I’m eligible for certain sum but still stories l de hear. Na wawooo.

  27. Timilehin

    Good afternoon….my bro collected a loan from gtbank quick credit and he liquidated it before the 12months installmental payments…Now he wants to get another one and they told him that he isn’t eligible…pls how do I go about it….

    1. The same thing happened to me. Kindly contact your account officer. Your account officer would be of great help to you.

  28. JADESOLA adekunle taofiq

    I have account with GTB over two years ago and I need loan from my bank gtb

  29. ojo ojebisi

    Customer must maintain a minimum monthly lodgement of N20,000 or earn a minimum net monthly salary of N10,000
    Customer must not have any history of dud cheques
    Customer must have satisfactory credit reports
    Customer must not have any unpaid obligations

  30. Agunbiade T. A

    It is indeed a surprise for me. I received a SMS yesterday about gtb quick loan by which I was informed to be eligible for. I dialed *737*51*51#. I was told of been qualified for 200k, through instant ISSD transaction or more through GTbank app.

    I gave it a trial around 11.20pm, downloaded the app, checked for the max amount I am qualified for, lo and behold, 460k+ came up.By faith l applied that same hour.

    I checked my phone around 5.30am following morning, my account was credited with the 460k loan with 43k interest, spanning for 12months

    Guys it is real.

    I never thought it to be true, but God is indeed for me to be favoured for this.

  31. I once apply and was given but due to the late payment after that have been trying to get a loan because I now have a business that fetch more income. It keep on saying I have a bad loan,what can I do to get another loan

    1. Hi Dare,
      Thanks for your comment. In that case, you need to contact your account officer and explain things to him or her.

      If you don’t have your account officer’s contact details, simply visit the GTB website and use the contact page to request your account officer’s details. You call the customer care centre or visit any of their branches to request the contact details.

  32. Have been trying*737*51*51# it keep saying I have a bad loan. How do I get loan?

  33. Precious Isioma

    Sir can I get a loan instantly after liquidising the first loan

  34. Oladayo omodasola

    Gtbank really fucked cos dis 12years with Dem and am doing very fine with d bank but got there today to get a quick loan what I was asked was ,are u a salary earner I said no and d lady response was like d offer is only mentioned for salary earner hmm so self employed person can take d loan infact she was even like I can’t be offer any loan even aside from quick loan hmmm GTBANK operating system is now bad for d very first time asking for a loan for d past 12yrs have been businessing with ur bank infact I felt discouraged and disappointed with what I heard today from gtbank

  35. Lucky Jonathan Manimiekumo

    How can I get my account officers number because each time I tried getting a loan it keep on saying I should contact my account officer

    1. How long have you been using that account and did your company profile that account as your salary account with your bank?


    Have been trying to use the quick credit code but they said I should contact my account officer. How do I go about it

  37. Wow, I can totally relate to your experience! Getting loans from commercial banks can indeed be quite a challenging process, especially for SMEs and self-employed individuals. It’s frustrating when you need financial assistance for your business or personal needs, but the requirements seem to be beyond reach. I’m glad to hear that you found a solution with GTBank Quick Credit! It sounds like they offer a more accessible and hassle-free way to get instant loans. It’s essential for businesses to have options that understand their unique needs and offer a streamlined process. I’m curious to know more about your experience with GTBank Quick Credit. How was the application process? Did they have reasonable terms and conditions? Feel free to share any tips or insights you may have for others who might be facing similar challenges in securing loans from traditional banks. Your story could be really helpful for others in a similar situation. Thanks for sharing! 😊👍

  38. Good day, I have been using my GTBank account for more than 15 years. I was able to access loan from quick credit loan last year 2022 about 400k. And now after paying back the 400k which was spread across 10 months. I was not able to access loan again from quick credit. It keep saying you’re not qualify for quick credit. And it’s my salary account.
    And I moved my salary account to GT because of quick credit.
    It’s quite frustrating.

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