Tech Business Ideas

Tech Business Ideas With Low Investment


Most young individuals aspire to start a business. It is only natural for an individual to come up with a business model, that would merge their academic knowledge with professional skills. Come on, would you want to start a business in some random or irrelevant industry?

Everyone wants to start off with something that they have a preconceived knowledge of. For instance, a tech-savvy person will never want to start a boutique or a food joint. A tech-savvy person will only want to invest in a tech-related business. 

However, in this article, I am going to discuss some of the low-investment tech-related business ideas. Keep scrolling to convert your professional status from unemployment to employment. 

Some Of The Best Tech Business Ideas With low Investment

Before moving on to the different business ideas, it is very important to understand what tech-related business ideas are. 

Tech-related business ideas refer to those businesses that would need you to have personalised skills and knowledge in the sector of technology. The present-day scenario of the world is a lot different in comparison to the previous world. 

However, with its constant evolution, the world is largely driven by technology. This is quite a disadvantage to those who are either neoludists or are ill-equipped with technology.  

All businesses and entrepreneurs are focusing on incorporating the latest technologies, which will accelerate their business growth. The size of the business really does not matter here. This, however, has given rise to multiple new avenues for individuals who are both tech-savvy and fast learners.

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If you conduct inclusive research and development, you will find several passionate and young aspirants, who are owners of a particular skillset or knowledge, in a particular field of technology.

It is their independent mindset and the desire to be their own boss that has driven them to the world of start-ups. They focus on investing their hard work and efforts in the development and progress of their own independent business.  

Keeping that in mind, here are some of the tech-related business ideas, that you might want to check out.

1. Artificial Intelligence

For the past few decades, AI has been getting a lot of “good” attention. So much so that it can be anticipated that, in the near future, most mainstream businesses will equip themselves with AI. Thus, opening a plethora of opportunities in the tech industry.

Nowadays, AI has the capability and potential of a human. It can speak, hear, read for us, write, see, and even analyse things in terms of photographs and videos. 

All of the above features have been successful in transforming companies completely,  helping them streamline and re-imagine their business procedures. Did you know? That the entire US economy functions on AI.

Many organisations have introduced new opportunities for students and remote workers, such as online shopping, online real estate investment, dining options, making call centres better, and speeding up the development of essential drugs.

2. EdTech Startup

Proving academic services, whether online or offline, can never be a bad business idea. However, the idea of online education is quite new to all of us. It is due to the pandemic that online education services have gained popularity. 

It has also made learning a fun process by introducing various tools. Therefore, if you are planning to start a business in the EdTech industry, getting an investor will be quite easy, because of its success rates.  

As per CBI reports, EdTech startups have made a profit of about  $12.58 billion, in the last year. Making it one of the most popular low investment high-profit tech business ideas.

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3. Remote Working

The pandemic has given rise to the mode of work known as “remote working” or “Work from Home” (abbreviated as WFH). This work mode is, however, the perfect fit for tech businesses.   

Like every good thing has its own set of cons, working remotely is no different. Soon, this ‘desired by all’ working mode was encountered with certain issues, namely, the inability to address professional achievements, poor engagement among the employees, etc. 

To solve this, there was no better saviour than technology. With the help of a python developer, a ‘personal remote process’ automation was introduced.

4. Virtual Medical Services

Virtual medical services have the potential to solve almost 80% of the primary medical attention requirements. Keeping the current situation in mind, hospitals should work on their online healthcare system,  aiding to virtual medical services.

These services offer abundant business ideas to tech entrepreneurs. Let us look at some of the important medical services that tech startups can provide:

* It can help patients cut down on medical expenses by introducing them to online medical claims. 

*It can also offer patients a smooth payment procedure.

*It can make the waiting period shorter by keeping several doctor options. 

*It can also provide new parents with software that will help them keep a check on their newborns.

*It can also take appointments on the basis of medical priority.

5. Robotic Delivery 

To begin with, it is not an easy task for entrepreneurs to operate robotics startups. Yet the number of startups associated with robotics has been working on some of the most groundbreaking technologies. 

Robotics has proved its efficiency in limiting “human-to-human” interaction, especially during the pandemic. Therefore, there are chances of success in this segment.


With that being said, I would like to wrap up this technical discussion. However, I can guarantee you that the aforementioned business ideas will definitely be a profitable endeavour for you. It doesn’t matter which one you pick. 

It can be as simple as an online grocery store. However, if you have got some extra pieces of information to share with us, do so in the comments section below.  

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