My Presentation on Business Planning Workshop for YouWIN 3 Applicants


My presentation on Operational Planning at The FourSquare District Headquarters Church, Iba Housing Estate on Business Planning Tagged Re-positioning The Foursquare Youth for FGN/YOUWIN! 3 Grant. A 2-day free workshop for FourSquare Church youth.

Utibe Etim
Utibe Etim speaking on operational Planning

The video is just a preview. The whole video is extremely large (about 1.8GB) and I can’t put all online.


I was invited as one of the facilitators to speak on operational planning.


The programme continues today and is promising to be great as I expect more participants to turn up. I will be speaking on how potential applications can apply without hitches and secrets and techniques to win.


For me this is a starting point as I build my career in public/motivational/inspirational speaker, business coaching and mentoring.


Though the video is not that professional, nonetheless, I’m pleased with my performance and after reviewing my performance; I was able to point out some area to work on and also building confidence is my top priority – this comes with constant practice.


I enjoin churches, NGOs, organizations and individuals to contact me to facilitate for them and I don’t mind doing that for free.


This year edition is the 3rd edition of the YouWIN! grant competition. The 2nd was women edition and I single-handedly wrote a business plan that won and also mentored and reviewed many plans that made it.

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with on [email protected], BB:275E28F6,,,,, Skype: deyesborn, GooglePlus+

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15 thoughts on “My Presentation on Business Planning Workshop for YouWIN 3 Applicants”

  1. Blessing osune

    Weldone mr utibe etim,i wish u to help and assist me in business plan as my mentor and advicer.

  2. Hello Blessing, thanks for asking me to be your mentor, it is great privilege. I will like to ask you, what is your idea all about and where is your location?

  3. favor udo

    Hello mr. Utibe, i have been following up on your updates particularly d youwin 3 program. I have 2 proposals in mind, 1: fish farming and processing. 2: pure water factory. I am in jos, plateau state. Can you b of assistance by way of guiding me write a winning biz plan on any of d two proposals?

    1. Hello Favor, Thanks for the message. Those two ideas are lovely ideas that can win and I will be more than glad to help you. But I need to know the how you want me to help you. We will do the feasibility study of the ideas and present the winning idea to youwin! So call me on 07031542324 for a meeting.

  4. Temitope

    hello utim , i want to apply for this year youwin 2013 , i dont dont know how to write the proposal .am looking at a spa and boutique i sent you an invite ,Temitope

    1. I can help you with that. But I will need to see you and know you better. Please give me a call or inbox me.

  5. idorenyin george

    hello mr utibe really nice to have u here as guide or mentor nd brother. Pls i long to apply for 2013 youwin youths enterprise initiative. I need ur direction on how to go about! Area looking @is electrical shop nd oil tools/equipement.

  6. Ifeyinwa igwekile

    Hello mr utibe please i will like you to be my adviser and mentor in writing a winning business plan for youwin this third edition.

  7. Ifeyinwa igwekile

    Hello mr utibe, please can you be my adviser and mentor in writing a winning business plan for youwin third edition

  8. christiana

    Hello mr Utibe, you are indeed a blessing to many with your writeups..please I’m having grat difficulties in fillin youwin3 form. I want to have a poultry farm for both broilers and layers. I realy need your help. Thankyou

  9. charles

    guy icommend ur attitude to reach out to people and to help them. i am equally in need of your template to package a propper biz plan/ plz help

  10. Thanks mr etim for sharing ur experience and expertise. Pls I will like u to mentor me on my biz. Thanks

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