TEEP 2020 – How We Can Work Together

At UtibeEtim.com, we provide clarity to business ideas and help you to access funding to either kickstart a new business or expand your existing business. 
For those that want us to work with them on TEEP 2020, this how we can work together. 

  • Answer TEEP Questions Professionally For You

If you are not that conversant with TEEP, you may find those questions so technical and difficult to answer. For you to scale through, your application/answers will be judged on 5 core criteria, which are:

-Feasibility of the business idea.

– Market Opportunity: knowledge and understanding of the market, customers, and competitors for their idea/business.

– Financial Understanding: understanding of the basic financial requirements of running a business, costs, and revenues.

– Scalability: Demonstrates potential for replication and growth of their product or service to create jobs and wealth.

– Leadership Potential and Entrepreneurial Skills: Demonstrate leadership potential, capable of attracting people, customers, and resources.

If you would like me to answer all the TEEP questions professionally for you and send it to you or help you to field it online, we will ensure the answers meet the 5 core criteria.

Answering those questions can be very technical and a daunting task especially If you are the type that doesn’t know how to write a business plan or a business proposal or grant application.

How to Work With Me On TEEP 2020
If you are interested in working with me, I need the following information to write Tony Elumelu Entrepreneurship Programme TEEP2020 for you- (Done for you)

  • Your name
  • Your date of birth
  • Where you were born
  • Where are you currently based?
  • Your educational background
  • Gender
  • Are you married?
  • Number of kids
  • The name of your business
  • Where is your business will be located?
  • Have you started your business and for how long?
  • What is your business all about?
  • How many staff do you have?
  • What and what have you achieved with your business?
  • How much have you invested if any?
  • What is your vision the business?
  • Your business website and social media presence if any
  • Is your business registered with CAC and when did you register?
  • Do you have any partners?
  • If you have been running the business, how much have you made so far?
  • Brief information about yourself
  • What skills and experience do you have?
  • Something impressive that you have personally built or achieved (it can be business-wise, in school, church, community etc)
  • Your products and services
  • Under milestone, what have you achieved and what do you still have to do?
  • What are your monthly expenses?
  • Source of capital
  • What business skills do you need?

Anyone you don’t have an answer or you don’t understand, you can skip it.

Please note that as I move on, more information will be requested from you if need be.
Once I finish writing, I will send it for you to go through before submitting it. You can also register online and send me the login details for me to copy and paste the answers and format the answers as required and save so that anywhere you are you can log in to monitor and review.
I just need few people to work with so that I can give quality work and value. So if you are interested, contact me on time so that we can work together. Don’t wait until the last minute.

Please note that I will also carry out sales analysis, cash flow analysis to be able to answer all the questions correctly under Section 8: Financials

Done For You
Done for you fee is N12,000.
Review Your TEEP 2020  Answers
You can send me your login details after you have answered the questions and I will log in to review your work or you send the answers in MS words then I will review your work and send it back to you.
Please try and format your answers well. Where you are required to write 100 or 200 words, don’t send 500 words and want me to format for you because is going to take a lot of my time trying to make it within the required words. I will ensure your work is properly reviewed and I will give a professional touch.

The cost is N7,000 to review.
 Please download TEEP 2020 questions here https://utibeetim.com/tef-entrepreneurship-programme-teep-2019-questions/

Sample Answers

If you will need sample answers to work with, we have that and it will cost you N6,000
Kindly visit here to check out the available answers

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me on 07031542324 or [email protected].

You can pay into any of the following accounts:

[sc name=”account-details”]

Utibe Etim
After payment email your details to [email protected] and also send a text to 07031542324

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2 thoughts on “TEEP 2020 – How We Can Work Together”

  1. My brother. Top of the day.

    I was looking for your standard computer school/biz centre business plan.

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